Case Study: LA County Business Federation

The Challenge
The Los Angeles County Business Federation (also known as Bizfed) relied on archaic government websites to access information on proposed legislation and spent hours manually tracking bills with excel spreadsheets. Having an alliance of 245 business associations and many committees that each require their own bill organization, Bizfed recognized the need to streamline their bill organization, modernize their techstack, and navigate legislative information with greater ease.
Efficient Organization
Each committee at Bizfed requires a dedicated bill list with relevant and specific legislative information in a succinct format. Previously done through manual formulas in excel, Abstract has decreased the number of steps to identify, track, and organize relevant bills by at least 10. Once set up, these bill lists are easily searchable and automatically populate, saving additional time. Abstract’s Bill Lists, have allowed Bizfed to better oversee their committees and help 240+ organizations efficiently collaborate and mobilize to advance shared agendas on local, regional, state and national issues.
Effective Reporting:
Bizfed members are thrilled with Abstract's shareable bill lists and sleek, succinct reporting. Not only can Bizfed easily provide access to important information with their members, such as their positions on bills and comments from the organization, they can quickly export the status of bills they have taken a position on. This upgrade to reporting and data sharing, using automation, has saved Bizfed hours on research and modifying excel spreadsheets while simultaneously improving stakeholder satisfaction.
More time to do more
Bizfed has been able to implement new initiatives due to the amount of time and effort they have saved with Abstract’s tools. They have now created “watch lists” where they can monitor the progress of bills that may impact their various committees and policy areas that they oversee. Instead of relying on members to present bills during committee meetings, Bizfed can now provide easy access to potentially relevant legislation with their “watch lists,” ensuring that their members are effectively aware and educated.
Active Support
“The responsiveness of Abstract’s support team has always been great and super fast. Abstract’s responsiveness to our feedback and implementing that feedback has been really great as well. After having a one-on-one meeting with Abstract support and giving some suggestions, I saw the changes implemented in one week. It's nice to have that kind of fluidity with the Abstract team!” -Sarah Wiltfong, Director of Advocacy and Policy at Bizfed.