Legislative Deadlines

The California Legislature works on the basis of deadlines for moving measures (bills, resolutions and constitutional amendments) through the legislative process. The Assembly Chief Clerk and the Senate Secretary each maintain information related to these legislative deadlines.
Based upon the legislative calendar and the Joint Rules of the Assembly and Senate, the following are the key dates during the calendar year for individuals monitoring the legislative process:
Statutes take effect on January 1 (Art. IV, Sec. 8(c)).
Legislature reconvenes (J.R. 51(a)(1)).
Budget Bill must be submitted by Governor by January 10 (Art. IV, Sec. 12(a)).
Last day to submit bill requests to the Office of Legislative Counsel.
Last day for bills to be introduced (J.R. 61(a)(1), J.R. 54(a)).
Spring Recess begins upon adjournment (J.R. 51(a)(2)).
Legislature reconvenes from Spring Recess (J.R. 51(a)(2)).
Last day for policy committees to hear and report fiscal bills for referral to fiscal committees (J.R. 61(a)(2)).
Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the floor non-fiscal bills (J.R. 61(a)(3)).
Last day for policy committees to meet prior to June 5 (J.R. 61(a)(4)).
Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report bills to the floor (J.R. 61 (a)(5)).
Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to June 5(J.R. 61 (a)(6)).
No committee may meet for any purpose except for Rules Committee and Conference Committees (J.R. 61(a)(7)).
Last day to pass bills out of house of origin (J.R. 61(a)(8)).
Committee meetings may resume (J.R. 61(a)(9)).
Budget Bill must be passed by midnight (Art. IV, Sec. 12(c)(3)).
Last day for policy committees to hear and report fiscal bills for referral to fiscal committees (J.R. 61(a)(10).
Last day for policy committees to hear and report bills (J.R. 61(a)(11)).
Summer Recess begins upon adjournment, provided Budget Bill has been passed (J.R. 51 (a)(3)).
Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess (J.R. 51 (a)(3)).
Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills to the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(12)).
Floor session only. No committee may meet for any purpose (J.R. 61(a)(13)).
Last day to amend on the Floor (J.R. 61(a)(14)).
Last day for any bill to be passed (J.R. 61(a)(15)). Interim Recess begins on adjournment (J.R. 51(a)(4)).
Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature on or before Sept. 15 and in the Governor’s possession after Sept. 15 (Art. IV, Sec.10(b)(1)).
These are the most critical deadlines for legislation being considered in the California Legislature. It is important to consult the most current versions of the Assembly Rules, Senate Rules, and Joint Rules in order to double-check any important deadlines that may impact legislation of interest to you. Individuals can also consult with the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Assembly or the Office of the Secretary of the Senate.
Chris Micheli serves as an Advisor to Abstract. He is an attorney and registered lobbyist with the Sacramento governmental relations firm of Aprea & Micheli, Inc. He also is an Adjunct Professor at McGeorge School of Law in their Capital Lawyering Program.